
This is the official blog for Medical Student Association (MESTA) of University Teknologi Mara (UiTM).

Friday, 4 October 2013

Renew Our Intention

Last month we welcome the new faces in the UiTM’s MBBS programme. I personally wished a very well welcome to the 11th batch of UiTM’s Medicine.

It’s becoming quite a norm for one to hear “Tajdid Niat” these days, especially if you’re a new student. But what is this thing ? And how to actually do it ?


Tajdid Niat is actually an Arabic word which means “Renew the Intention”, or in Malay we say “Perbaharui Niat”.

To many this brought about a very simple action; An often verbal saying that goes like this – “ I study here for Allah”. Yes, it is indeed the right thing to do, but such action can only take effect when there is a Philosophical Understanding of the words spoken, or else it is basically only a lip service.


The basis of this intention is that you have to know and believe that you’re in a university right now to seek knowledge which  is obligatory in Islam and to a perform at the top of your game,as recommended in the religion . Of course all of these have to be done in line with the Islamic Law (Syariah).

Then the next step is to determine the necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives. Set it as your main priority in living at the University.

After that, the tricky part, ACTING ON IT. everybody knows how hard it is to the  with the exams, pressure from parents, family members even the society that surrounds. THE FACT IS YOUR ARE NOT DOING THIS FOR EXAM, NOT EVEN FOR YOUR PARENTS (though being nice to them is compulsory), BUT YOU DOING THIS FOR THE ONE WHO CREATED YOU.

That’s why if you always TRY YOUR BEST IN GAINING KNOWLEDGE, then fail or not, you’re still THE WINNER because it isn’t the passing of exam that you’re after, but rather the acquirement of Allah’s knowledge , the following of the Prophet’s Sunnah and, most exclusively, the way to His Paradise.

In other words, even if you FAIL the exam you’re still be happy and calm because you know that you do this for Allah and Allah knows that you have try your very best – that’s why Allah said (in Surah An Nahl Verse 28) that if you Remember Allah (Zikrillah), you will feel AT PEACE.



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